- The Elusive Nature of Mild Traumatic Brain Injury (pdf) by Swatzyna RJ, PhD
- Thoughts About the Study of Cognitive-linked Brain Dysfunction Physiology After Mild Closed-head Trauma by Gross HS M.S. M.D.
- Impact of qEEG-Guided Coherence Training for Patients with a Mild Closed Head Injury (abs.)
by Jonathan E. Walker MD, Neuroscience Centers, Inc., Dallas, TX, (, Charles A. Norman, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada Ronald K. Weber, Neuroscience Centers, Inc. - Neurofeedback Therapy for a Mild Head Injury
by Byers AP - Diagnosis and Treatment of Head Injury
by Hoffman DA M.D., Stockdale S Ph.D., Hicks LL B.A., Schwaninger JE B.A. - Changes After EEG Biofeedback and Cognitive Retraining in Adults with Mild Traumatic Brain Injury and Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (abs. pg. 4)
by Tinius TP Ph.D. and Tinius KA M.S.W. - EEG NeuroBioFeedback Treatment of Patients with Brain Injury: Part 3: Cardiac Parameters and Finger Temperature Changes Associated with Rehabilitation (abs. pg. 1)
by Laibow RE MD, Stubblebine AN MSc, Sandground MB DSc - EEG NeuroBioFeedback Treatment of Patients with Brain Injury Part 4: Duration of Treatments as a Function of Both the Initial Load of Clinical Symptoms and the Rate of Rehabilitation (abs. pg. 1)
by Bounias M DSc, Laibow RE MD, Stubblebine AN MSc, Sandground H, Bonaly A DScr - Improvement/Rehabilitation of Memory Functioning with Neurotherapy/QEEG biofeedback
by Thornton K - Flexyx Neurotherapy System in the Treatment of Traumatic Brain Injury: An Initial Evaluation
by Schoenberger NE, Shif SC, Esty ML, Ochs L, Matheis RJ